pick nick            


A splurge into intervals

In collaboration with:
Omiros Panayides, Andreas Vrahimis, Constantinos Xenofontos and Natalie Yiaxi.

Embarking on a journey pick nick is heading towards that part of the world which is diametrically opposite to Cyprus. For this work we are resting in aeroplanes, where the sense of time and space is typically an encapsulated experience. An enclosed space in which faith plays a part in delivering a person from one point to another, the windows onto the world suspended in a voluntary, abridged freedom.
Collaborating with graphic designer Omiros Panayides, philosopher Andreas Vrahimis, mathematics educator Constantinos Xenofontos, and artist Natalie Yiaxi, we are sending a pile of leaflets to be placed individually in the seat pockets on board, passing an(other) experience onto the audience. This piece is reaching out to random passengers as a potential audience.