pick nick            


I know where you have been for the last four hundred and twenty-six days

pick nick in residence at Point
13 March - 13 April 2018

Since 2012, pick nick has developed art-making practices which often take place in public spaces in collaboration with fellow artists, writers, researchers, and, curators. The approach places the group in a versatile and vulnerable place where the “art object” is defocused and methods of audience-making prompted. pick nick experiments with ways of doing art which push boundaries to make new audience contact and attempts to unwind spectatorship into a kind of potential sociality. Their pieces merge in transit stages, and inhabit space according to the conditions that they shift singularly each time. A gesture on site includes their invitation to Point Centre for Contemporary Art to make its library a public feature of its space. During their residency at Point, they will configure meeting points with its curatorial and educational practices in an effort to work across differences and affinities by setting up research playgrounds and sites of cooperation. Works that were initiated, and presented in first part at previous residencies, will play another role in second part at Point in how they form a dynamic (audience) experience and propose different modes of display around the given circumstances of institutional space. Ιnvited guests will react to what they see in their own ways.