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Mustafa Hulusi 
Untitled (pomegranate 10), 2015

3 September - 8 October, 2015

Mustafa Hulusi has in the past photographed a series of pomegranates and exhibited them in poster form, and advertising signs or banners in London, where he lives. These images have been taken in the north of Cyprus where the artist was born, and their photographic style are reminiscent of the still life genre. For eons the pomegranate has been used as a symbol in myths and religions, however, the decaying one featured in Untitled (pomegranate 10) (2015), is that which, says Mustafa Hulusi, within the philosophy of ‘becoming’ espoused by Gilles Deleuze, has the ability to change and adapt to each culture it comes into contact with, bringing malleability to different cultures.

(go to Dandilands)